The Nature of Things?

The Nature of Things?


She is me, She is thee, She is we;
The divine in all of us!
The feminine essence encapsulated in the DNA that we all carry.
She connects us; every living thing,
And defies gender, race, age, and species.
She is fundamental to existence;
Within, and without.
Macro and Micro.

I am awakened to the Goddess in her power, and her glory.
I feel Her in me. I feel Her grow.
And, as my ego self diminishes, I see Her all around me,
The more I recognize Her, the easier it is to see:
She is a tear in a baby's eye;
And the dew on a blade of grass reflecting the early morning sun.
She is the intuitive glow of the majestic moon;
And the deep, hematite swell of the Pacific Ocean.
She is the lush rich loam of the rain-forest;
And the ancient, soaring snow capped peaks.
She is Patchamama.

All that we need She provides,
And when we trust in Her, we are living as our essential selves;
Fulfilled, enlightened, and empowered.
Truly connected and at one with the Divine.


  1. This is truly about the Divine female connection. I felt it again, through your words. Thank you.


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